Ginger's health has been in decline since about 2017. We really thought she was going to go then, so in a way I was kind of prepared, but little did I know how truly heartbreaking it is. Then she had a bout with acute pancreatitis in 2018, so again we thought her time was up when we went against the vet's orders to bring her home, but her last day was Friday, February 5, 2021.
Early last week she started throwing up all her food. She couldn't keep anything down, so we took her to the vet. We knew she had kidney disease and some other problems. She was still active and bright eyed. They gave her fluids and tried to get her to keep food down. She had loose poops all over. xrays showed nothing was wrong, no obstructions, just immediately throwing up after everything she put in her mouth.
Thursday we brought her home hoping to have a few days left with her, and we scheduled her final vet appointment for Monday (or today), but in true Ginger fashion she showed us she needed to go sooner, so we had to move her visit to Friday! Thursday night we watched her favorite show Supernatural. (I've been blogging about Supernatural for a long time and Ginger was always my lap buddy. We needed to watch the last part of the last season.) She always loved Sam's gentle voice and even though she couldn't hear him I think she found comfort in it because it was the only time Thursday night she wasn't restless.
Ginger's last Sam viewing. (Yes, my TV room is a mess right now and we have a clunker TV.)
After watching TV, I wrapped her in a towel and brought her upstairs to bed. I sat up with her all night long and while she was still sitting on me at 3:30am I wrote this...
When Andrew and I bought our house we were so excited because that meant
we could get a cat...or cats. Shortly after moving we casually went to
PetSmart looking at cats up for adoption. They have cats from the SPCA
Serving Erie County and that's what we were looking for. We knew we
didn't want a kitten because everyone wants a kitten and they are easily
adopted out. We wanted an older cat with a set personality.
were several cats there with stories that pulled at your heart strings,
but we ended up with two cats that picked us. I saw this tiny two-ish
year old cat with pretty coloring and asked to hold her. She immediately
started purring loudly. She was probably scared but I took it as a sign
that she picked me to be her owner. Her name was Cinnabon, or as I like
to call her
Ginger. Andrew connected with a chubby black cat that was
abandoned with yellow teeth. (He was likely abandoned because he ate
them out of house and home.) His name was Skoal or as we now call him
Vicktor, but his story is for another day. That cold rainy night we
unexpectedly came home with two cats ~ our dream was becoming reality.
Ginger Rogers & Vicktor Frankenstein.
was a stray and never gave up being nervous around loud sounds and
strangers, but she could hunt and defend herself that's for sure! A
feather cat toy was no match for 5.5 lb. Ginger. (Her full name was
Ginger Rogers Davis because she's light on her feet.) She had nails that
were razor sharp but never once swatted or clawed at anyone or
anything. Not a mean bone in her body, except when it came to bugs. I
once caught her eating a wasp in our house. That's how hardcore she was.
Cute but fierce. She gave Vicktor a run for his money a couple times
even though he's twice her size. But for the most part they got along
and tolerated each other especially when it was cold they would huddle
together and snuggle.
Paint me like one of your French a toy box.
was a funny cat, here's a couple tidbits... She was one of those cats
that would stare at you from the end of the hallway. Just penetratingly
stare and you could feel it. She'd sit on your lap for hours until you
had to pee, then as soon as you came back she'd sit for a few more
hours. She once crawled up the screen of our sliding glass door, so she
was stuck between the screen and door. We didn't know where she was until she started meowing and we had to get her down. Once
we were sitting eating dinner with a stick of butter in the butter dish.
She jumped up one side of the table grabbed the butter in her mouth and
jumped down the other side of the table like a ninja it happened so
fast! We chased her through the house with butter in her mouth. But she
was never big on food. She was big on love. You could just look at her
at the other end of the hallway and her purrs would start. Ginger's
motors running!
Ginger doing her staring thing.
been my baby through it all and made me smile everyday no matter how bad
it was. She was there when I started
Cats Like Us and even modeled on
some promotional postcards. She's always been my rock. I guess she was
an emotional support animal before that became a popular thing.

her 18ish years with us she's had several health problems that taught
me so much about cats. Ear mites, teeth infections, eye lesions, stress
grooming, infected anal glands, feline herpes, dehydration, stomach
upsets, ending with chronic kidney disease. The CKD started about 3
years ago, but now it's compounded with her not being able to eat and
keep anything down. The vet hydrated her with fluids but none of the
medications have worked. They said there was nothing they could do
unless she goes to a gastroenterologist to find out what's making her
throw up, but there's no blockages and they couldn't see anything
abnormal in the x-rays. It's possible it could be cancer or her organs
are shutting down. If they did find something, surgery is too risky at
her age. She's used up her 9 lives. This past week has been hellish to
say the least. Last night she vomited blood, she's having difficulty
breathing, and you can tell she's trying to purr but can't. My heart is
broken. We had to make the hard decision. It was going to be Monday but
she started throwing up blood today, so we are taking her for her
final vet visit tomorrow. A little part of me is dying
inside, that part weighs 5.5 lbs.

The last picture I have with Ginger taken at 4am Thursday night.
I wrote
Mourning Your Beloved Cat four years ago and now I find myself referencing it. I need reassurance that we did the right thing. She had all the best qualities you could ever want in a cat. To say we are devastated is an understatement. Vicktor seems clueless. I'm just trying to take it day by day. I plan to put together a more in depth blog later.
Thanks for reading. I just had to get this out there.